NM Islamic Classes

About Us

Islamic Classes is one of the main pillars of Northstowe Muslims Charity. It was started as an initiative to build Islamic values amongst young children. Currently, the school runs for once a week, for 1.5 hours. being managed by volunteers. The Islamic classes will be focussing on the following:

  • Surah memorization
    • Surah meaning and its context (tafseer)
  • Arabic language 
    • Alphabets sounds and character recognition, reading and writing etc.
  • Deeniyat / Islamiyat studies
    • Pillars of faith, knowledge about Allah, Quran and Prophets (peace be upon them all), etc.

Our Goal

  • We are looking for more volunteer teachers.
    • It will enable us create classes based on children age group.
    • It will enable us follow specialized syllabuses for different classes
    • It will enables us track children progress.

Term Dates

Term Dates (2024-2025)
Term Dates (2024-2025)
Term Dates (2025-2026)
Term Dates (2025-2026)

Payment Information

  • £10 for one child per month
  • £18 for two children per month
  • £25 for three children per month

Fee need to be paid to Northstowe Muslims Charity account by standing order. All parents will be provided a unique 'reference number' to be used for payments.

The bank details are as follows:

Northstowe Muslims Charity
Account no 49588399
Sort code 23-05-80

Please let us know if you have any concerns. Do get in touch with us at islamic.classes@northstowemuslims.org